Launch - Sabadell Gobiernos Corto Plazo, FI


The most conservative fixed income Fund in Sabadell Asset Management's offering

Sabadell Gobiernos Corto Plazo, FI is a Euro Short-Term Fixed Income Fund that invests more than 80% of its assets in debt issued or guaranteed by EU Member States, Autonomous Communities, Local Entities and International/Supranational Organisations of which Spain is a member. Under no circumstances will it invest in issues of low credit quality (rating below BBB- or equivalent). The average duration of the fixed income portfolio will be a maximum of one year and its exposure to currency risk will be less than 5%.  

The Fund promotes environmental or social characteristics (art. 8 Regulation (EU) 2019/2088). It invests taking into account not only economic and financial aspects but also the ESG dimension, applying the ESG methodology developed by Amundi.

Living life

Advantages of Sabadell Gobiernos Corto Plazo, FI

  • Fund with a short investment horizon. The indicative investment period is at least six months.
  • Conservative Fund. Low credit and interest rate risk.
  • It takes into account the sustainability preferences of investors.

Risks of the Fund

ISR Gobiernos Corto Plazo_EN

The summary risk indicator is a guide to the level of risk of this product compared to other products. It shows how likely it is that the product will lose money because of market developments or because we are unable to pay you. 

We have rated this product at risk level 1 on a scale of 7, where 1 means the lowest risk. This assessment rates the possibility of suffering losses in future returns as very low and the likelihood of a bad market situation influencing our ability to pay you as very unlikely. 

This product does not include any protection against future market developments and you may lose some or all of your investment. In addition to the risks included in the risk indicator, other risks may affect the Fund's performance. Please consult the prospectus of Sabadell Gobiernos Corto Plazo, FI.

A Fund with unit classes

A Fund with unit classes

*The management fee will be determined semi-annually for each class, based on a formula linked to the 6-month Euribor index, which you can consult in the prospectus.
There is a system of half-yearly reclassification of units between Base, Plus and Premier classes for resident individuals which may involve a transfer to more or less favourable classes depending on the position subscribed/maintained and the minimum initial investment/holding of each class (see prospectus).

Sabadell Gobiernos Corto Plazo, FI is registered with the CNMV under number 5892. For more detailed information on the Fund's characteristics and investment policy, the minimum initial investment, the recommended investment period, information on costs, charges and other expenses and, in particular, the risks related thereto, we recommend reading the prospectus and the Key Information Document, available at
This Fund is a non-complex MiFID product.
The management company is Sabadell Asset Management, S.A., S.G.I.I.C., Sociedad Unipersonal, registered with the CNMV under number 58. The depositary is BNP Paribas S.A. Sucursal en España, registered with the CNMV under number 240.
An investor's decision to invest in the Fund should take into account all of the Fund's characteristics or objectives. There is no guarantee that ESG considerations will enhance the Fund's investment strategy or performance. Information on sustainability aspects can be found in Amundi's Responsible Investment Policy or Amundi's Sustainable Finance Statement and in the Sustainability Annex of the respective Fund prospectuses, available at